Preview the Heathcote PTA Spring After School Clubs!
The Spring 2025 After School Clubs Preview is here! Your child can explore STEAM, cooking, movement, sports, art, improv and more after school with their classmates at Heathcote.
Please note the following important details before reviewing the schedule and club descriptions below:
- The final ASC schedule is subject to change.
- Stay tuned for information forthcoming in the January 12th Heathcote Herald.
- ASC Registration begins on January 19th on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Spring 2025 ASC Semester will run from February 3rd through May 30th, 2025.
- Detailed descriptions on classes can be found here.
- The PTA provides Financial Aid for After School Clubs, please reach out to School Psychologist Jennifer Turetzky for information.
Questions? Contact ASC Co-Chairs Reid Miller and Sean McDevitt

Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4