Heathcote PTA Treasurer Procedures
We appreciate your help and dedication to the PTA. We have outlined these guidelines in order to make things easier from a financial perspective as you chair Heathcote PTA committees and support the PTA through attendance at events.
Heathcote Budget
The Heathcote budget for the following fiscal year is created by the Executive Board in the spring of the current year and approved by the membership at the final PTA meeting of the current year. The fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30. If you are a committee chair, it is important that you are aware of your committee budget and that you adhere to the allocated amount. If you have any questions about your budget, please bring it to the attention of the President and/or Treasurer at the beginning of the school year. You cannot exceed your budget without prior approval of the President and/or Treasurer.
The Heathcote PTA president is the only one authorized to enter into a written contract for services on behalf of the PTA. Committee chairs may not enter into a legal contracts or agreements on behalf of the Heathcote PTA.
Tax-Exempt Purchases
Heathcote Elementary School has tax-exempt status, as we are a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. You can obtain a copy of our tax-exempt form in the main office or by contacting PTA Treasurer, Stefan Lane-Nedialkov. Most businesses will accept this tax-free purchasing certificate. Please provide a copy of the certificate to the cashier before making your purchase. You will not be reimbursed for any sales tax paid when making a purchase on behalf of the Heathcote PTA.
If possible, ring up non-PTA purchases separately.
Please have all committee members complete the Heathcote PTA Expense Reimbursement Form 2024-25. Keep all invoices, receipts, bills, etc. and submit all originals promptly to the PTA treasurer attached to the form. No expenses will be reimbursed without an itemized sales receipt or contract. Credit card statements and receipts are not sufficient since they are not itemized.
In accordance with PT Council policy, the Heathcote PTA will not reimburse for gifts to fellow volunteers.
Provision of food and/or beverages for volunteers and committee members is at the discretion of the committee and is not a reimbursable expense.
Committee Chairs must sign this form to acknowledge expenses. To ensure a prompt reimbursement - itemize, total and explain all expenses.
Reimbursement forms and supporting documentation should be placed in the PTA Treasurer’s mailbox in the main office at school.
The fiscal year ends on June 30. Reimbursement requests and supporting documentation must be submitted no later than June 23, 2025. Receipts submitted after that date will be considered a donation to the Heathcote PTA.
Check requisition
Please send an email to PTA Treasurer, Stefan Lane-Nedialkov if you need to request a check.
For vendor payments include: contract or sales receipt. For individuals (i.e., payments to individual contractors, performers or visiting authors) please remember to include person’s name and address.
Please let the Treasurer know if the check should be mailed directly to the vendor/individual (and provide an address), or if it needs to be returned to the committee chair to be handed directly to the vendor/individual.
Please allow at least two weeks to process a check.
Petty Cash
The Heathcote PTA will provide your committee with petty cash and cash boxes for events that need them. Please contact the Treasurer at least one week in advance of the event to request this money. Please be sure to give all money to the treasurer immediately after the event.
Lost Checks/Stop Payments
If you lose a check issued by the Heathcote PTA, there will be a $30 service charge to have that check re-issued. This covers the bank’s stop payment charges incurred by Heathcote.
Certain payments to the PTA are non-refundable. This is the case for events where we need to provide a headcount or deposit or events that have limited enrollment. If related PTA communication for a payment stipulates “NO REFUNDS”, the PTA will not issue you a refund. Please double-check your calendar before signing and paying for something. Extenuating circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Financial Aid
Any family may inquire about financial assistance for ASC, lunch, or other PTA programs by contacting the Heathcote School Psychologist. Please be assured these requests will remain confidential.
Please be Cost Conscious
The Heathcote PTA is striving to reduce spending wherever possible so that more money can be spent on programs that benefit our students, parents and teachers. Please do not spend out of pocket for your committee’s expenses; we need to maintain records that reflect the actual costs of our projects and activities. If your committee will be hosting an event, check the PTA closet for any paper goods and supplies you may need before making any new purchases. Please keep in mind that vendors often cut prices or donate services or goods to a nonprofit organization such as the PTA. We have used many local businesses on a regular basis with good results and fair prices. Please contact the PTA treasurer for suggestions about vendors that we have used in the past before you make any purchases.
If you have any other cost savings ideas, please share them with the PTA Executive Committee and include them in your notes for the chairs to follow in your footsteps.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4